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Our additional courses and sport activities
In addition, individual courses are offered and - if sufficient applications - intensive advanced training courses, telephone training or conversation training.
Price examples for additional courses:
Individual instruction: per instruction hour 36 €
Intense advanced training course: 420 €
    20 instruction hours, from 2 to a maximum of 3 participants
    or 10 hours of individual instruction
Telephone training: 120 €
    2 instruction hours including scripts and telephone conversations
Conversation training: 320 €
    8 lessons
In addition you can practise at the place following events.
Price examples for additional sports: (approximate prices)
Diving course (incl. equipment) 6 lessons 160 €
Surfboard rentals (per hour) 10 €
Windsurfing course (indiv./h)25 €
(group/h) 12 €
Water skiing (15 min.) 20 €
(w. teacher) 27 €
Sailing/Cat (rental/h) 25 €
(group course) 17 €
Tennis (1h) 15 €,  (3h) 35 €,  (5h) 50 €
Tennisourse (1h, incl. court) 30 €